Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Right Stuff ~

Sometimes I read cruising blogs and see that the bloggers (or their families) are winners. Winners of contests...trivia...whatever. My sister and I are smart. We know things. So, why haven't we won something?

Yeah, why? Because we never did it right. So as we boarded The Carnival Magic on Feb. 12, we vowed to do it right.

What is right? Right is teaming up. Right is looking over the schedule to see what we want to play. (Bean bag toss, no...hairy chest contest, no....country music trivia, yes!) Right is arriving early enough to get a good seat, an answer form, and to scope out the competition. Right is a sip of diet coke. Husbands are considered good luck, too.

Check, check, check and check.

FYI...the trophy (fondly named Ship-On-A-Stick) may be made of gold plastic, but they are very prized by all. They actually have the name of the ship on them too. Our first win was Famous Faces Mash-Up. (ex, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise).

Our second was for Famous Movie Quotes. ("You want answers? You can't handle the truth!") So we won a total of two each.

Were we proud? YES!!!

But still, you always remember the one that got away. We were one point (we had 37 out of 40 possible) away from a win in Country Music Trivia, a category that should have been a cake walk for us! What the heck?? How is this possible?

OK, so we're not infallible. Now, we will never forget that Dust On The Bottle was a hit for David Lee Murphy. We had the song title, just couldn't come up with the name.

The sisters. We've got it.

The Right Stuff!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Find the perfect shoe, then come out and play

This is not becoming a shoe blog. I promise. But sometimes something grabs you and you just have to beat the drum, form a circle around the campfire, grab a guitar and sing "Bye bye love, bye bye happiness, hello loneliness, I think I'm gonna cry..." OK, I digress. The topic is shoes.

Here it is: Keens

I'd heard about Keen Shoes for many years now. My bro-in-law Charles is quite fond of his. My sister Lou Ellen loves hers. I wasn't buying the whole camping, hiking, water shoe that you can wear in the woods. I don't hike, I don't camp, I don't get in the water except to take a bath or get in the hot tub.

Then something crazy took hold of me and I wanted some. Right away. For our cruise. I figured that if I used Amazon Prime, they might make it in time.

They're crazy good. Here's the ones I bought, the Keen Venice H2, in Raya Blue.

No better time to take them for a spin than around the deck of an ocean-liner, exploring foreign ports, and shopping.

I'll let you know how it goes. But it's looking pretty good so far.