Friday, May 6, 2011

Have fun

When I was a kid people didn't use use sunscreen, they used Coppertone suntan lotion, which if I recall, didn't block the sun's rays, at least not much. We didn't know any better, we just wanted to be tan. The most famous Coppertone ad:

If you remember the commercials on TV you might know (or maybe not) that the little girl who played the Coppertone girl was Jodie Foster. I thought about that when we went out to Cali to visit Jason and the girls. Jason has moved into a house with a hot tub and a pool. Alahna & Kirra have a ball...these girls love playing in the water! And even though they put sunscreen on, they're both getting brown already.

How fun is that, to play in the water for hours? Yes, I did it too. No video. Just take my word for it, I was there.

So, my motto is: don't let summer pass you by. Have fun in the water. No matter how old you are or what you look like.

Go to the beach.

Get in the pool.

Sit in the hot tub.

Play at the waterpark.

But whatever you do...

put your bathing suit on!

(Of course if I looked this cute in a towel the world would be a better place.)


Lou Ellen said...

They are so cute. I'm glad they have a fun thing like a pool/hot tub. That, plus the Cali sunshine - sounds like bliss to me.

Sarah C said...

cute post!

Clarissa Explains said...


Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

Susan, I hadn't thought about that in years. But I was born in California...and my parents have a picture of me just like that one where a dog is pulling my pants off with my behind and a tan showing...FUN STUFF...LOVE IT

Carolina girl said...

I didn't know that the Coppertone girl was Jodie Foster. Interesting. Those grand girls are gorgeous! They are sure lucky to have you for a Maw Maw!

jonathanm said...

Tanning lotion has always had some sun protection. Most people thought it enhanced their tans, when it really did the opposite.

Now we call the same product sunscreen, and it's got SPF ratings.